Info Loker 2020 - Chevron adalah mitra dalam perekonomian Indonesia dan telah menjadi bagian dari anggota masyarakat selama lebih dari 80 tahun. Kami adalah produsen minyak mentah terbesar di Indonesia, yang menyumbangkan sekitar 40 persen produksi nasional.
Saat ini, kami didukung oleh lebih dari 6.400 karyawan handal dan lebih dari 30.000 karyawan mitra. Lebih dari 97 persen karyawan kami adalah warga negara Indonesia.
Langkah besar pertama Chevron di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi energi Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1924, ketika Standard Oil Company of California (Socal), kini Chevron, mengirimkan ekspedisi geologi ke Pulau Sumatera.
Sejak itu, selama lebih dari setengah abad, Chevron telah menjadi produsen minyak mentah dan panas bumi terbesar di Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru - Chevron juga memasarkan produk pelumas di Indonesia melalui anak perusahaan PT Chevron Oil Products Indonesia. PT Chevron Oil Products Indonesia memasarkan pelumas Caltex® ke seluruh Indonesia melalui jaringan distribusi. Produk-produk ini melayani pasar komersial, industri, konsumen umum dan kelautan.
Melalui unit bisnis perdagangan kami di Singapura, Chevron juga memasarkan minyak mentah, bahan bakar mentah lain dan minyak bumi olahan kepada Pertamina, perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi milik Pemerintah Indonesia. Kami juga memasarkan produk-produk kepada pengimpor dan distributor terdaftar. Chevron memasarkan aspal melalui merek dagang Caltex Asphalt™.
Chevron bangga dengan apa yang telah kami lakukan dan menjunjung tinggi kemitraan yang kuat dan berkelanjutan dengan Pemerintah Indonesia, lembaga non pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar, yang menjadi landasan dari kemajuan bersama demi memenuhi kebutuhan energi Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja 2020 Chevron Indonesia
Di Chevron Indonesia, Anda berpeluang untuk bekerja di dalam proyek bermodal besar dan didukung teknologi kelas dunia seperti proyek pengembangan laut dalam, proyek surfactant, teknik peningkatan perolehan minyak (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) melalui injeksi uap serta pengembangan energi panas bumi. Siap menerima tantangan ini?
Drilling & Completion Engineering
- Bachelor degree and above with minimum GPA: 3.0 in petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering.
- Experience minimum 4 years working as drilling and completion engineer, drilling operations and knowledge of well design and operational execution.
- Have knowledge and experience with drilling and completion engineering standard principles and techniques.
- Excellent in communication and interpersonal skill.
- Excellent in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
- Excellent in demonstrating the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
- Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and computer literacy.
- Have minimum TOEFL: 500 with certified from recognized institution.
- Having valid APB/APS, IADC/IWCF certification will be an advantage.
- Have willingness to be relocated to all company operations locations in Indonesia.
Drilling & Work Over Well Service Representative
- Bachelor degree and above with minimum GPA: 3.0 in petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering.
- Have minimum 5 years of working experience in Drilling and Completion related operations.
- Experience working as drilling engineering / completion engineering or drilling & workover supervisor would be an advantage / preferred.
- Excellent in communication and interpersonal skill.
- Excellence in establishing effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
- Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
- Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and computer literacy.
- Have minimum TOEFL: 500 with certified from recognized institution.
- Having valid APB/APS, IADC/IWCF certification will be an advantage.
- Have willingness to be relocated to all company operations locations in Indonesia.
Traffic & Custom Coordinator
- Diploma degree with minimum GPA 2.75 in any engineering and occupational health and safety major.
- Minimum 4 years’ experience in oil & gas industry with 1-3 years’ experience in traffic operations and warehousing.
- Have experience in coordinating materials delivery with vessel’s representative and transporter.
- Have experience in onshore/offshore field operations, maintenance, construction, and/or HES.
- Have in-depth technical and field experience with contractor safety, permit to work, managing safe work, motor vehicle safety, process safety, incident investigation, Contractor Health Environment Safety Management (CHESM), and compliance assurance is highly desired.
- Excellent in communication and interpersonal skill.
- Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
- Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
- Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and knowledgeable with computer literacy using Excel, Power point, and words.
- Have highly attention to detail.
- Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.
Facility Representative
- Min. Diploma Engineering (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical). GPA min. 2.75.
- Min. 5 years working in oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, especially responsible for field construction execution, safety and supervision.
- Have safety leadership in construction related Managing Safe Work (MSW) elements and processes and effectively communicate.
- Experience in generating SOPs, Work Permits, JSAs,JHAs, SIMOPs, related to construction activities.
- Experience field construction/maintenance activities for surface facilities and infrastructure.
- Experience of field construction activities and specifications (API, ASME, ANSI), drawings and its constructability practices.
- Knowledge construction for piping, mechanical, civil/earthworks and I/E.
- Familiar with non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques.
- Have skill in planning and coordination in execution of field construction activities.
- Able to work with support groups and peers with multiple reporting relationships.
- Able to interface and work with various cultures and stakeholder involved with the project.
- Have a good leadership and communication (writing and oral), both in Bahasa and English.
- This position will be located in Minas/Petapahan/Libo/Duri/Bangko/Dumai, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pekerjaan dan berminat untuk melamar perkerjaan ini, silakan kirimkan lamaran Anda secara online sampai 8 Agustus 2020 melalui website berikut ini :